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小小小乔 发表于 2018-8-10 15:39:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式





My Plum Tree Infirmary
Gong Zizhen

Longpan in Nanjing, Mount Dengwei outside Suzhou and Xixi near Hangzhou are all noted fortheir plum trees. Some say plum trees look best gnarled, lacking charm when straight; or lookbest lop-sided, being not worth a glance upright; or best when sparse, lacking form whenluxuriant. Of course, this is what literati and connoisseurs think, but it should not beproclaimed as a binding rule for all plum trees in the world; nor should everyone be required tochop down straight trees, cut back the luxuriant and root out those growing upright, to makea living out of killing and deforming plum trees. Making plum trees lop-sided, sparse or gnarledwas not something that could be dreamed up by dolts out to make money; but those who sellplum trees have been told about the eccentric tastes of literati and artists; so they chop offthe main branches but keep the offshoots, cut back luxuriant growth and kill tender sprigs,root up straight trees and sap their vitality — all in order to fetch high prices. As a result, allthe plum trees in Jiangsu and Zhejiang are deformed; so fearful is the destruction caused bythese literati and artists!

I bought three hundred potted plums, all deformed, not a single whole one among them. Forthree days I wept over them, then vowed to cure them. I loosened and straightened thebranches, smashed the pots, united the coir drops round the trees and planted them in theground, determined to nurse them back to health within five years. Not being an artist or oneof the literati, I will gladly put up with abuse for setting up this infirmary for deformed plumtrees. My one regret is that I have not more time to spare, more land lying idle, for all thestunted plums of Nanjing, Hangzhou and Suzhou, so that I can devote my whole life to curingthem!
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