風に想いを 月に願いを 力ある限り生きてくんだ 今日も
僕らの想いもいつか誰かの胸に 光続けよう あの星のように
物語のような星の雫 その中に細い線路を築く
時間とともに時代は動く 流れる星は静かに動く
目を閉じて耳をすませば GOOD BYE
大空いっぱいの白黒写真 なびくマフラー 白い息
少しでも近づきたくて あの高台まで 駆け足で
重たい望遠鏡 取り出すと レンズはみだしたスターダスト
時間を奪われた時間 時代を越えてくるロマン
放て光 負けずにしっかり今 時を超え 誰かに届くまで
風に想いを 月に願いを 力ある限り生きてくんだ 今日も
僕らの想いもいつか誰かの胸に 光続けよう あの星のように
産声上げた 小さな光 大きな光 時代を超え出逢い
すべての輝きがひとつとなり 作り出す物語
点と点を結ぶ星座のように 誰かにとって
僕らもきれいな絵 描けてたらいいね
見上げてごらんよ ほら 冬のダイヤモンド
ゆるやかな天の川 すぐ勇気取り戻せるから
放て光 負けずにしっかり今 時を超え 誰かに届くまで
風に想いを 月に願いを 力ある限り生きてくんだ 今日も
僕らの想いもいつか誰かの胸に 光続けよう あの星のように
この空は一つ どこまでも広く
そう 海の向こう 今生まれる息吹 絶たれる命
星は照らす 女神のごとく
長く続く 繰り返す 春夏秋冬の
一瞬でもいい 少しでいい 思いを刻む
ただ果てなく 時を越え 輝きだす
物語は心の中で続いている あの日の君はいつか夜汽車に乗って
風に想いを 月に願いを 力ある限り生きてくんだ 今日も
僕らの想いもいつか誰かの胸に 光り続けよう あの星のように
光り続けよう あの星のように
[BLEACH OP中文歌词] post by frogprincess
舉頭仰望 夜空中繁星閃爍
古老的記憶塵封著歲月滄桑 跨越時代安然降臨
閃動的雙眼中映現 是誰在大聲呼喊
寄思念於風中 訴心願於明月
今天也要努力活下去 哪怕只剩下一口氣
總有一天 將我們的意志傳達到人們心中
延續這道光芒 仿若那顆晨星
一下 兩下 鐘聲的餘韻在心中回蕩 蔓延
如傳説般的星辰逸散 在空中勾勒出細密的軌跡
時代變遷 斗轉星移
閉上眼睛 側耳傾聽 G O O D bye
無垠天際 宛若一幅巨大的黑白寫真
隨風飄揚的圍巾 純白的氣息
想更接近那天空 哪怕一點也好
快步跑向那高臺 搬來笨重的望遠鏡
將焦距調 至最大 星雲陣列 清晰可見
瞬間靜止的時間 穿梭時代的浪漫
放出萬丈光芒 堅持住 決不言敗
直至穿越時代 傳達到人們的心中
那榮耀之光就在前方 傳説 由我們共同締造
舉頭仰望 夜空中繁星閃爍
古老的記憶塵封著歲月滄桑 跨越時代安然降臨
閃動的雙眼中映現 是誰在大聲呼喊
寄思念於風中 訴心願於明月
今天也要努力活下去 哪怕只剩下一口氣
總有一天 將我們的意志傳達到人們心中
延續這道光芒 仿若那顆晨星
強弱參差的亮光發出聲聲啼鳴 穿越時代的邂逅
所有的光芒凝聚到一起 造就了傳説
就像那一點一線構成的星座 對於那些人
擡頭看看 那串璀璨的冬之鑽石 不正是靜靜流淌的銀河麽
所以很快 你就會重獲勇氣
放出萬丈光芒 堅持住 決不言敗
直至穿越時代 傳達到人們的心中
那榮耀之光就在前方 傳説 由我們共同締造
舉頭仰望 夜空中繁星閃爍
古老的記憶塵封著歲月滄桑 跨越時代安然降臨
閃動的雙眼中映現 是誰在大聲呼喊
寄思念於風中 訴心願於明月
今天也要努力活下去 哪怕只剩下一口氣
總有一天 將我們的意志傳達到人們心中
延續這道光芒 仿若那顆晨星
天空無限廣闊 延伸向大海的彼端
又一個有限的生命 降臨到世上
星光照耀 仿佛女神般
終而復始 生生不息 哪怕春夏秋冬的一個瞬間
僅有片刻也好 請銘刻這份記憶
讓它永無止境地 穿越時代 綻放光彩
總有一天 你也能搭上那班夜行列車
舉頭仰望 夜空中繁星閃爍
古老的記憶塵封著歲月滄桑 跨越時代安然降臨
閃動的雙眼中映現 是誰在大聲呼喊
寄思念於風中 訴心願於明月
今天也要努力活下去 哪怕只剩下一口氣
總有一天 將我們的意志傳達到人們心中
延續這道光芒 仿若那顆晨星
延續這道光芒 仿若那顆晨星
* miageta yozora no hoshitachi no hikari
inishie no omoi negai ga jidai wo koe
iroaseru KOTO naku todoku
KIRARI hitomi ni utsuru dareka no sakebi
kaze ni omoi wo tsuki ni negai wo
chikara aru kagiri ikiteikunda kyou mo
bokura no omoi mo itsuka dareka no mune ni
hikari tsuzukeyou ano hoshi no you ni
hitotsu futatsu kane no ne wa hibiku kokoro no naka e to hiroku fukaku
monogatari no youna hoshi no shizuku sono naka ni hosoi senro wo kizuku
jikan to tomo ni jidai wa ugoku nagareru hoshi wa shizuka ni ugoku
me wo tojite mimi wo sumaseba GOOD BYE
oozora ippai no shirokuro shashin nabiku MAFURA- shiroi iki
sukoshi demo chikazuki takute ano takadai made kakeashi de
omotai bouenkyou toridasu to RENZU hamidashita SUTA-DASUTTO
jikan wo ubawareta jikan jidai wo koete kuru ROMAN
# hanate hikari makezu ni shikkari ima
toki wo koe dareka ni todoku made
eikou no hikari wa kono mukou ni
KIMItachi to tsukutteiku SUTO-RI-
ubugoe ageta chiisana hikari ookina hikari jikuu wo koe deai
subete no kagayaki ga hitotsu to nari tsukuridasu monogatari
ten to ten wo musubu seiza no you ni
dareka ni totte bokura mo kirei na e egaketetara ii ne
miagete goran yo hora fuyu no DAIAMONDO
yuruyaka na amanogawa sugu yuuki torimodoseru kara
kono sora wa hitotsu dokomade mo hiroku sou umi no mukou
ima umareru ibuki tatareru inochi hoshi wa terasu megami no gotoku
nagaku tsuzuku kurikaesu shunkashuntou no isshun demo ii sukoshi de ii
omoi wo kizamu tada hatenaku toki wo koe kagayaki dasu
monogatari wa kokoro no naka de tsuzuite iru
ano hi no kimi wa itsuka yogisha ni notte
miageta yozora no hoshitachi no hikari
inishie no omoi negai ga jidai wo koe
iroaseru KOTO naku todoku
KIRARI hitomi ni utsuru dareka no sakebi
kaze ni omoi wo tsuki ni negai wo
chikara aru kagiri ikiteikunda kyou mo
miageta yozora no hoshitachi no hikari
inishie no omoi negai ga jidai wo koe
iroaseru KOTO naku todoku
bokura no omoi mo itsuka dareka no mune ni
hikari tsuzukeyou ano hoshi no you ni
hikari tsuzukeyou ano hoshi no you ni
* Rays of light from the stars in the night sky above
send a plea from across the ages
with colours that haven't faded
It's somebody's cry, reflected in those sparkling eyes
A wish carried on the wind, a request from the moon
to live as fully as possible, day by day
So that our wishes, too, will be in someone's heart someday,
let's shine on like that star
1, 2, and so the bells echo, spreading far and wide in the depths of my heart
A legendary stardrop, inside it there's so many narrow paths etched out
With time, the ages pass; a shooting star passes without a sound
Close your eyes and listen hard, maybe you'll hear a "Goodbye"
A black and white photo of the entire sky, a rumbling muffler - white breath
Just wanna get a little closer, I'll race to the high ground up there
Taking out my huge telescope, out of the lens came stardust
Time after time, an epic from across the ages
# Now that the light is released,
surely it can't fail, across time it's got to reach someone
The light of glory is right across the way
It's the story I'm about to weave with you all
With my birth cry, a small light and a great light met across space and time
Their shine became one, to begin a new story
Like a constellation that connects the dots,
why shouldn't we create a lovely painting for someone?
Take a look above you; see, it's a winter diamond
This slow-moving galaxy, soon enough, will give you your courage back
This sky is the only one there is; it spreads over all. And beyond the sea,
right now, new life takes breath, and life is cut off, while stars shine on, like goddesses
continuing a long journey, or starting anew; in spring, summer, fall and winter
even a second is enough, just a moment is enough, to engrave my thoughts, to shine without end across the ages
The story goes on in the heart
the "you" of that day takes a night train
Rays of light from the stars in the night sky above
send a plea from across the ages
with colours that haven't faded
It's somebody's cry, reflected in those sparkling eyes
A wish carried on the wind, a request from the moon
to live as fully as possible, day by day
Rays of light from the stars in the night sky above
send a plea from across the ages
with colours that haven't faded
So that our wishes, too, will be in someone's heart someday,
let's shine on like that star
Let's shine on like that star |