Please keep the library quiet.Speaking or reading loudly is forbidden.
After entering, please make sure that your mobile phones or beepers are on their vibration file.
Smoking or any use of fire is forbidden for the library is a key fire-prevent unit.(这句随便翻的……中国特色的名词~~~)
Please keep the library clean.Spitting and littering are forbidden.
Please take good care of any facility in the library. Graffiti and any behavior of destroying the facilities are forbidden. Anyone who breaks the rule will be fine according to the extend of his/her behavior. Pasting up or sending advertising or other propoganda materials is forbidden without permission.
Please keep the library in perfect order. Please do not take a seat by putting anything on the tables or chairs. Occupying the cabinet overnight is also fobidden.So is to move the tables and chairs randomly.
Please mind your behavior and wearing apparel.It is forbidden to wear basketball vests, sports shorts or slippers into the library.
It is forbidden to having meals or snacks in the library. |