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【死亡笔记Death Note】全资料{申精}

浅浅浅蓝 发表于 2007-7-9 22:28:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



小畑健 作者简介

原作 大場つぐみ
漫画 小畑健

大場つぐみ,出生于JAPAN东京,本名不详,有猜测认为他实际上是《周刊少年JUMP》上Tottemo! Luckyman的作者ガモウひろし。


小畑健,JAPAN当红漫画家。1969年出生于JAPAN新泻县。曾做过漫画家次原隆二和庭野诚的助手,在《周刊少年JUMP》上连载了一系列作品。1986年高校二年级时以《超能机动爷爷G》入围《周刊少年JUMP》的佳作赏,就此出道。之后在《少年JUMP》上连载《魔神冒险谭》、《力人传说》。1995年5月开始连载《木偶师侦探左近》,但成绩一直未如理想。 尽管如此﹐他仍然坚守自己的信念和风格。终于﹐在1998年凭著《棋魂》于《少年JUMP》内的连载后,其声名大噪。2003年《棋魂》连载终结后,开始连载超人气作品《死亡笔记》。
主要作品《死亡笔记》 《棋魂》 《傀儡师左近》

原 作 : 大場つぐみ・小畑 健 (集英社 ジャンプコミックス刊)
シリーズ構成 : 井上敏樹
キャラクターデザイン : 北尾 勝
美術監督 : 一色美緒
色彩設計 : 橋本 賢
音響監督 : 山田知明
監 督 : 荒木哲郎
音 楽 : 平野義久 タニウチヒデキ
アニメーション制作 : マッドハウス
オープニングテーマ : 「the WORLD」ナイトメア VAP
エンディングテーマ : 「アルミナ」ナイトメア VAP
製作著作 : JAPANテレビ放送網株式会社
有限責任事業組合D.N. ドリームパートナーズ
夜神 月 : 宮野真守
L・竜崎 : 山口勝平
リューク : 中村獅童
弥 海砂 : 平野 綾
夜神粧裕 : 工藤晴香 



夜神 月(やがみ ライト、Yagami Light)


流愚 (Ryuk)   

渡 (Watari)   

弥 海砂 (Misa Amane)   
弥 海砂(あまね ミサ、Amane Misa)
漂亮但比L还孩子气的女孩。因为一个死神曾为她而死从而拥有了那个死神的死亡笔记,成为继月之后的“第二杀手”。因为月曾以杀手之名制裁了抢劫杀害海砂父母的罪犯,因此海砂对“杀手”心存感激。与月不同的是海砂用自己剩余生命的一半与死神交换了“死神之眼”,所以她只要看到长相便知道对方的姓名。海砂第一次见到月时便对他一见钟情,并展开追求,而月则想利用海砂的“死神之眼” 除掉L所以也假装与她相好。   
雷姆 (Rem)   
ワタリ(“联系人”,本名 Quillsh Wammy)
L的帮手,是位有著绅士气质的老人。以L的代理人身分和各式各样的人物接触。在第一部的最后揭露他是伟大的发明家Quillsh Wammy。他的发明资金用于在世界各地创办孤儿院。其中和第二部有关的“华米之家”是培养L继承者的地方。
夜神 总一郎 (Soichiro Yagami)   

夜神 幸子 (Sachiko Yagami)   
夜神 幸子(やがみ さちこ、Yagami Sachiko)
夜神 月的母亲。个性温和,不刻板。爱家人,关心丈夫与子女。   

夜神 粧裕 (Sayu Yagami)   
夜神 妆裕(やがみ さゆ、Yagami Sayu)
夜神 月的妹妹。活泼可爱。跟普通女生一样喜欢流行的东西,比如偶像和流行音乐。佩服且信赖哥哥月,经常请教他功课。   
出目川 仁(でめがわ ひとし、Demegawa Hitoshi)
Raye Penber (莱·潘伯)   
职业:FBI agent   
南空 直美(Naomi Misora)   
原FBI探员,成为莱的未婚妻后退役。在莱被“杀手”杀害后坚强的她决定为夫报仇。因为莱的关系她得知了一条连L都不知晓的重要线索。可惜在她见到L等人之前无意间遇到了月。虽然谨慎的她使用了假名“间木照子”, 但智高一筹的月还是巧妙地问出了真名,并在死亡笔记上写下了她的名字。   
松田 (Matsuda) 、相泽 (Aizawa) 、宇生田 (Ukita) 、模木(Mogi)   
レイ=ペンバー (Raye Penber)
南空ナオミ (Misora Naomi)
Raye Penber的未婚妻,美貌与智慧兼备的前FBI搜查官。
夜神 总一郎(Yagami Souichirou)
伪名:朝日 四十郎
松田 桃太(Matsuda Touta)
伪名:松井 太郎
模木 完造(Mogi Kanzou)
相泽 周市(Aizawa Syuichi)
伊出 英基(Ide)
尾尾井 刚(おおい たけし、Ooi Takesi)
树多 正彦(きだ まさひこ、Kida Masahiko)
奈南川 零司(なみかわ れいじ、Namikawa Reiji)
三堂 芯吾(みどう しんご、Midou Singo)
纸村 英(しむら すぐる、Simura Suguru)
鹰桥 锐一(たかはし えいいち、Takahasi Eiichi)
火口 卿介(ひぐち きょうすけ、Higuchi Kyousuke)
叶鸟 新义(はとり あらよし、Hatori Arayosi)
本名:Nate River
华米之家最优秀的少年。在得知L死讯后,成为正式的L后继者。他花了四年时间调查,得知了死亡笔记本的存在后,加入了追捕基拉的SPK(Secret Provision for KIRA)组织,并担任其中的核心人物。尼亚和L有许多相像之处,长到遮住手掌的白衬衫,提起左脚放在椅子上的坐姿,用手指卷自己的头发,喜欢玩各式各样的玩具。除此之外尼亚的举手投足与神态也与L极像。
本名:Mihael Keehl
魅上 照(みかみ テル‎、Mikami Teru)
高田 清美(たかだ きよみ、Takada Kiyomi)
本名:Anthony Carter
本名:Halle Bullook
本名:Stephen Loud
“名字被写进这本笔记本的人就会死。” 拿到这本由死神琉克所掉落的死亡笔记的人是JAPAN的高中生夜神月。月将世界上一个个犯罪者的名字写进笔记本上,相信这样的行为会是正义,誓言要成为一个没有犯罪者的新世界的神。发现有人在制裁犯罪者的一般民众,开始称呼这位制裁者为基拉。另一方面,察觉到基拉出现的ICPO(国际刑事警察组织),委托一个名为“L”的侦探来调查KIRA事件。L是唯一能动员全世界警察的人,世界上很多陷入胶著的案件都是由他查出。他的本名和居住地完全没有人知道。基拉和L,从此为了揭露彼此的真面目,也为了彼此的正义互相对立。
以榜首身分考进了大学的夜神月,遇到了以流河、龙崎的身分出现同样是榜首的L。L利用巧妙的技巧引诱夜神月,希望能和月一起搜查,借以分析月的行动。 就在同一段时间,电视台收到了从基拉寄出的影带。L和月在看了影带后,都推论“第二个基拉”是存在的。追捕者和被追捕者共同进行搜查,一场缜密的心理战就此开始......
被L追到穷途末路的夜神月,利用死亡笔记本的特性,构思了起死回生的对策。在被L监禁的时候,月放弃了笔记本的所有权。于是,失去了和笔记本有关“一切记忆”的月和L共同搜查。随后发现了新的死亡笔记本所有者跟大企业“四叶”有所关联。 成功前入了四叶本部后,判断指示基拉杀人的是“八人干部”。因发现潜藏在里面的第三个基拉可能有其他的帮手,搜查本部打算对有嫌疑的人设下陷阱。














































 46、擁有死神之眼的人,雖然可以看到其他人的壽命和姓名,但是因為只能看到被取命者的壽命,而筆記持有者的身份是取命者而非 被取命者,所以不能看到包括自己在內的擁有死亡筆記所有權的人的壽命












  I. 將自己的死亡筆記渡讓給了人類
     II. 物色死亡筆記渡讓的人類對象,本應在死神界做,但若是在82小時之內,也可在人間界進行
    III. 以要殺某人為目的而進一步觀察該人時,也可在人間界憑依其最多82個小時
















































Written rules
Before the series begins, Ryuk writes instructions in English inside his Death Note with the belief that English is the most popular language in the world.

The human whose name is written in this note shall die.
This note will not take effect unless the writer has the subject's face in their mind when writing his/her name. Therefore, people sharing the same name will not be affected.
If the cause of death is written within 40 seconds of writing the subject's name, it will happen.
If the cause of death is not specified, the subject will simply die of a heart attack.
After writing the cause of death, the details of the death should be written in the next 6 minutes and 40 seconds.

Unwritten rules
These rules were not written in the Death Note, but are revealed throughout the story in every Tankōbon volume of the manga in the form of "How to Use" instructions.

Volume 1

How to Use: I
Note: These are actually written

The Human whose name is written in this note shall die.
This Note will not take effect unless the writer has the person's face in their mind when writing his/her name. Therefore, people sharing the same name will not be affected.
If the cause of death is written within 40 seconds of writing the person's name, it will happen.
If the cause of death is not specified, the person will simply die of a heart attack.
After writing the cause of death, details of the death should be written in the next 6 minutes and 40 seconds.

How to Use: II
This note shall become the property of the human world, once it touches the ground of (arrives in) the human world.
The owner of the note can recognize the image and voice of the original owner, i.e a god of death.
The human who uses this note can neither go to Heaven nor Hell.

How to Use: III
If the time of death is written within 40 seconds after writing the cause of death as a heart attack, the time of death can be manipulated, and the time can go into effect within 40 seconds after writing the name.
The human who touches the DEATH NOTE can recognize the image and voice of its original owner, a god of death, even if the human is not the owner of the note.

How to Use: IV
The person in possession of the DEATH NOTE is possessed by a god of death, its original owner, until they die.
If a human uses the note, a god of death usually appears in front of him/her after he/she uses the note.
Gods of death, the original owners of the DEATH NOTE, do not do, in principle, anything which will help or prevent the deaths in the note.
A god of death has no obligation to completely explain how to use the note or rules which will apply to the human who owns it.

How to Use: V
A god of death can extend his life by putting human names on the note, but humans cannot.
A person can shorten his or her own life by using the note.
The human who becomes the owner of the DEATH NOTE can, in exchange of half his/her remaining life, get the eyeballs of the god of death which will enable him/her to see a human's name and remaining lifetime when looking though them.
A god of death cannot be killed even if stabbed in his heart with a knife or shot in the head with a gun. However, there are ways to kill a god of death, which are not generally known to the gods of death.

How to Use: VI
The conditions for death will not be realized unless it is physically possible for that human or it is reasonably assumed to be carried out by that human.
The specific scope of the condition for death is not known to the gods of death, either. So, you must examine and find out.

How to Use: VII
One page taken from the DEATH NOTE, or even a fragment of the page, contains the full effects of the note.
The instrument to write with can be anything, ((e.g. cosmetics, blood, etc)) as long as it can write directly onto the note and remains as legible letters.
Even the original owners of the DEATH NOTE, gods of death, do not know much about the note.

Volume 2

How to Use: VIII
You may also write the cause and/or details of death prior to filling in the name of the individual. Be sure to insert the name in front of the written cause of death. You have about 19 days (according to the human calendar) in order to fill in a name.
Even if you do not actually possess the DEATH NOTE, the effect will be the same if you can recognize the person and his/her name to place in the blank.

How to Use: IX
The DEATH NOTE will not affect those under 780 days old.
The DEATH NOTE will be rendered useless if the victim's name is misspelled four times.

Volume 3

How to Use: XI
Even after the individual's name, the time of death, and death condition on the Death Note were filled out, the time and condition of death can be altered as many times as you want, as long as it is changed within 6 minutes and 40 seconds from the time it was filled in. But, of course, this is only possible before the victim dies.
Whenever you want to change anything written on the Death Note within 6 minutes and 40 seconds after you wrote, you must first rule out the characters you want to erase with two straight lines.
As you see above, the time and conditions of death can be changed, but once the victim's name has been written, the individual's death can never be avoided.

How to Use: XII
If you lose the Death Note or have it stolen, you will lose its ownership unless you retrieve it within 490 days.
If you have traded the eye power of a god of death, you will lose the eye power as well as the memory of the Death Note, once you lose its ownership. At the same time, the remaining half of your life will not be restored.

How to Use: XIII
You may lend the Death Note to another person while maintaining its ownership. Subletting it to yet another person is possible, too.
The borrower of the Death Note will not be followed by a god of death. The God of Death always remains with the owner of the Death Note. Also, the borrower cannot trade the eyesight of the god of death.

How to Use: XIV
When the owner of the Death Note dies while the Note is being lent, its ownership will be transferred to the person who is holding it at that time.
If the Death Note is stolen and the owner is killed by the thief, its ownership will automatically be transferred to the thief.

How to Use: XV
When the same name is written on more than two Death Notes the Note which was first filled in will take effect, regardless of the time of death.
If writing the same name on more than two Death Notes is completed within a 0.06 - second difference, it is regarded as simultaneous; the Death Note will not take effect and the individual written will not die.

Volume 4

How to Use: XVI
The God of Death must at least own one Death Note, that Death Note must never be lent to or written on by a human.
Exchanging and writing on the Death Note between the gods of death is no problem.

How to Use: XVII
If the god of death decides to use the Death Note to kill the assassin of an individual he favors, the individuals life will be extended, but the god of death will die.
The dead god of death will disappear, but the Death Note will remain. The ownership of this Death Note is usually carried over to the next god of death that touches it, but it is common sense that it is returned to the Great god of death.

How to Use: XVIII
Only by touching each other's Death Note can human individuals who own the Death Note in the human world recognize the appearance or voice of each other's god of death.
An individual with the eye power of a god of death can tell the name and life span of other humans by looking at that person's face. By possessing the Death Note, an individual gains the ability to kill, and stops being a victim. From this point, a person with the Death Note cannot see, the life span of other Death Note owners, including him/herself. But, it is not really necessary for the individual to view the life span of him/herself is nor other Death Note owners.
The god of death must not tell humans the names or life spans of individuals he sees. This is to avoid confusion in the human world.

How to Use: XIX
It is prerequisite for the Death Note used in the human world that a living god of death makes sure that the humans in the human world uses it.
It is very difficult to consider that a god of death who has possessed a human could die, but if he should die, the Death Note that he brought into the human world will not lose its power.

How to Use: XX
In order to see the names and life spans of humans by using the eye power of the god of death, the owner must look at more than half of that person's face. When looking from top to bottom, he must look at least from the head to the nose. If he looks at only the eyes and under, he will not be able to see the person's name and life span. Also, even though some parts of the face, for example the eyes, nose or mouth are hidden, if he can basically see the whole face, he will be able to see the person's name and life span. It is still not clear how much exposure is needed to tell that name and life span, and this needs to be verified.
If above conditions are met, names and life spans can be seen through photos and pictures, no matter how old they are. But this is sometimes influenced by the vividness and size. Also, names and lifespans cannot be seen by face drawings, however realistic they may be.

How to Use: XXI
Those with the eye power of the god of death will have the eyesight of over 3.6 in the human measurement, regardless of their original eyesight.

How to Use: XXII
The individuals who lose the ownership of the Death Note will also lose their memory of the usage of the Death Note. This does not mean that he will lose all the memory from the day he owned it to the day he loses possession, but means he will only lose the memory involving the Death Note.

How to Use: XXIII
When an individual with ownership of more than two Death Notes loses possession to one of the Death Notes, he will not be able to recognize that Death Note's god of death's appearance or voice anymore. The god of death himself will leave, but all the memory involving that Death Note will remain as long as he maintains ownership of at least one other Death Note.

How to Use: XXIV
The god of death must not stay in the human world without a particular reason. Conditions to stay in the human world are as follows:
I. When the god of death's Death Note is handed to a human.
II. Essentially, finding a human to pass on the Death Note should be done from the world of the gods of death, but if it is within 82 hours this may also be done in the human world.
III. When a god of death stalks an individual with an intention to kill them, as long as it is within 82 hours of haunting them, the god of death may stay in the human world.

How to Use: XXV
The god of death must not hand the Death Note directly to a child under 6 years of age (based on the human calendar).
The Death Note must not be handed to a child under 6 years of age, but Death Notes that have been dropped into the human world, and are part of the human world, can be used upon humans of any age with the same effect.

How to Use: XXVI
If you just write, "die of accident" for the cause of death, the victim will die from a natural accident after 6 minutes and 40 seconds from the time of writing it.
Even though only one name is written in the Death Note, if it influences and causes other humans that are not written in it to die, the victim's cause of death will be a heart attack.

Volume 5

How to Use: XXVII
If you write, "die of disease" with a specific diseases's name and the person's time of death, there must be a sufficient amount of time for the disease to progress. If the set time is too tight, the victim will die of a heart attack after 6 minutes and 40 seconds after completing the Death Note.
If you write, "die of disease" for the cause of death, but only write a specific time of death without the actual name of disease, the human will die from an adequate disease. But the Death Note can only operate within 23 days (in the human calendar). This is called the 23-day rule.

How to Use: XXVIII
If you write, "die of disease" like before with a specific disease's name, but without a specific time, if it takes more than 24 days for the human to die the 23-day rule will not take effect and the human will die at an adequate time depending on the disease.
When rewriting the cause and/or details of death it must be done within 6 minutes and 40 seconds. You cannot change the victim's time of death, however soon it may be.

How to Use: XXIX
You cannot kill humans at the age of over 124 with the Death Note.
You cannot kill humans with less than 12 minutes of life left (in human calculations).

How to Use: XXX
If you have traded the eye power of a god of death, you will see a person's primary life span in the human world.
The names you will see with the eye power of a god of death are the names needed to kill that person. You will be able to see the names even if that person isn't registered in the family registration.

How to Use: XXXI
The number of pages of the Death Note will never run out.

Volume 6

How to Use: XXXII
If someone possesses more than one Death Note, by visualizing the victim, then writing down the name in one of the Death Notes and the cause of death in the other, it will take effect. The order however, is unimportant, if you write down the cause of death in one Death Note and aftwerwards, write the name in the other, it will take effect.
This can also be accomplished by two Death Note owners working together. In this case, it's necessary that the two touch each other's Death Notes.

How to Use: XXXIII
If a person loses possession of a Death Note, they will not recognize the gods of death by sight or voice any more. If however, the owner lets someone else touch his Death Note, from that time on, that person will recognize the god of death.
In accordance with the above, the human who touched the Death Note and began to recognize the gods of death's sight and voice, will continue to recognize it until that human actually owns the Death Note and subsequently loses possession of it.

How to Use: XXXIV
The owner of the Death Note cannot be killed by a god of death who is living in the world of the gods of death.
Also, a god of death who comes to the human world, in the objective to kill the owner of the Death Note, will not be able to do so.
Only a god of death that has passed on their Death Note to a human is able to kill the owner of the Death Note.

How to Use: XXXV
If a Death Note owner accidentally misspells a name four times, that person will be free from being killed by the Death Note. However, if they intentionally misspell the name four times, the Death Note owner will die.
The person whose name was misspelled four times on purpose will not be free of death by a Death Note.

How to Use: XXXVI
There are male and female gods of death, but it is neither permitted, nor possible for them to have sexual relations with humans. The gods of death also cannot have sex with each other.

Volume 7

How to Use: XXXVII
When regaining ownership of the Death Note, the memories associated with the Death Note will also return. In cases where you were involved with other Death Notes as a well, memories of all the Death Notes involved will return.
Even without obtaining ownership, memories will return just by touching the Death Note.

How to Use: XXXVIII
You will lose memory of the Death Note when losing its ownership. But you can regain this memory by either obtaining the ownership once again or by touching the Death Note. This can be done up to 6 times per Death Note.
If the 6 times are exceeded, the person's memory of the Death Note will not return and they will have to use it without any previous memory of it.

How to Use: XXXIX
Humans that have traded for the eye power of a god of death will see a person's primary life span, and will not be influenced by the Death Note. If the victim is killed using the Death Note, the remaining lifetime of that victim will be provided to the god of death.

How to Use: XL
Humans that have traded for the eye power of a god of death cannot see the name or life-span of humans that have already passed away by looking at their photos.

How to Use: XLI
Whenever a god of death who had been in the human world dies and the Death Note is left behind and is picked up by a human, that person becomes the owner.
However, in this case, only the human that can recognize the god of death and its voice is able to see and touch the Death Note.
It is very unlikely, but if by any chance a god of death picks up the Death Note, that god of death becomes the owner.

How to Use: XLII
The names you see with the eye power of a god of death are the names needed to kill that person.You will be able to see their names even if they arent listed in a family register.

How to Use: XLIII
It is useless trying to erase names written in the Death Note with erasers or white-out.

Volume 8

How to Use: XLII (Repeated)
The use of the DEATH NOTE in the human world sometimes affects other human's lives or shortens their original life-span, even though their names are not actually written in the DEATH NOTE itself. In these cases, no matter the cause, the god of death sees only the original life-span and not the shortened life-span.

How to Use: XLIII (Repeated)
If a DEATH NOTE is owned in the human world against the god of death's will, that god of death is permitted to stay in the human world in order to retrieve it.
In that case, if there are other DEATH NOTES in the human world, the gods of death are not allowed to reveal to the humans that DEATH NOTE's owner or its location.

How to Use: XLIV
If the DEATH NOTE that the god of death owns is taken away by being cheated of her gods of death and so forth, it can only be retrieved from the god of death who is possessing it at the time. If there is no god of death, but a human possessing it, the only way that the god of death can retrieve it will be to first touch the DEATH NOTE and become the god of death that haunts that human. Then wait until that human dies to take it away before any other human touches it, or whenever the human shows a will to let go of it.

How to Use: XLV
As long as the god of death has at least once seen a human and knows his/her name and life-span, the god of death is capable of finding that human from a hole in the world of the gods of death.

How to Use: XLVI
There are laws in the world of gods of death. If a god of death should break the law, there are 9 levels of severity starting at Level 8 and going up to Level 1 plus the Extreme Level. For severity levels above 3 the god of death will be killed after being punished.
For example, killing a human without using the DEATH NOTE is considered as the Extreme Level

Volume 9

How to Use: XLVII
Losing memory of the DEATH NOTE by passing on the ownership to another, or by abandoning its ownership will only occur when someone is actually killed using that DEATH NOTE. You will not lose memory of the DEATH NOTE, for example, if you merely owned it and had not written anyone's name. In this case, you will not be able to hear the voice or see the figure of the god of death any more. You will also lose the eye power of the god of death you traded with.

How to Use: XLVIII
The god of death will not die from lack of sleep. Moreover, gods of death do not really need sleep. The meaning of sleep for gods of death is essentially different from humans and is merely laziness.
Gods of death living in the human world that have passed on their DEATH NOTE shouldn't be lazy especially, as they are required to see the death of the human, but it is not that they are not allowed to sleep.

How to Use: XLIX
Only 6 DEATH NOTEs are allowed to exist at a time in the human world. Of course, the DEATH NOTE that the god of death owns does not count. This means only 6 gods of death that have passed on their DEATH NOTE to humans can stay in the human world.

How to Use: L
One god of death is allowed to pass on DEATH NOTEs to only 3 humans at a time.
It is possible for a single god of death to hand out up to 6 DEATH NOTEs, for example, by handing 3 humans 2 DEATH NOTEs each.
In other words, one human could own all 6 DEATH NOTEs.

How to Use: LI
However, if a seventh DEATH NOTE is owned by a human in the human world, nothing will happen even if used.

How to Use: LII
In the event that there are more than 6 DEATH NOTEs in the human world, only the first 6 DEATH NOTEs that have been delivered to humans will have effect.
The seventh DEATH NOTE will not become active until one of the other 6 DEATH NOTEs is burned up, or a god of death takes one of them back to the world of the gods of death.

Volume 10

How to Use: LIII
The DEATH NOTE will not take effect if you write a specific victims name using several different pages.
But the front and back of a page is considered as one page. For example, the DEATH NOTE will still take effect if you write the victims surname on the front page and given name on the back.

How to Use: LIV
In order to make the DEATH NOTE take effect, the victims name must be written on the same page, but the cause of death and situation around the death can be described in other pages of DEATH NOTE. This will work as long as the person that writes the DEATH NOTE keeps the specific victims name in mind when writing the cause and situation of death.

How to Use: LV
In occasions where the cause and situation of death is written before the victims name, multiple names can be written as long as they are written within 40 seconds and the causes and situations of death are not impossible to occur.
In the occasion where the cause of death is possible but the situation is not, only the cause of death will take effect for that victim. If both the cause and the situation are impossible, that victim will die of heart attack.

How to Use: LVI
When you write multiple names in the DEATH NOTE and then write down even one cause of death within 40 human seconds from writing the first victims name, the cause will take effect for all the written names.
Also, after writing the cause of death, even if the situation of death is written within 6 minutes and 40 seconds in the human world, the situation will only occur to the victims whom it is possible. For those where the situation is not possible, only the cause of death will occur.

How to Use: LVII
In the DEATH NOTE you cannot set the death date longer than the victim's original life span. Even if the victim's death is set in the DEATH NOTE beyond his/her original life span, the victim will die before the set time.

How to Use: LVIII
By manipulating the death of a human that has influence over another human's life, that human's original life span can sometimes be lengthened.
If a god of death intentionally does the above manipulation to effectively lengthen a humans life span, the god of death will die, but even if a human does the same, the human will not die.

How to Use: LIX
A human death caused by DEATH NOTE will indirectly lengthen some other human's original life even without a specific intention to lengthen a particular person's original life span in the human world.

Volume 11

How to Use: LX
After a god of death has brought the DEATH NOTE to the human world and given its ownership to a human, the god of death may have the right to kill the human using his/her own DEATH NOTE for reasons such as disliking the owner.

How to Use: LXI
Even if a new victim's name, cause of death, or situation of death is written on top of the originally written name, cause of death or situation of death, there will be no effect on the original victim's death. The same thing will also apply to erasing what was written with a pencil, or whitening out what was written with a pen, in attempt to rewrite it.

How to Use: LXII
Once the victim's name, cause of death and situation of death have been written down in the DEATH NOTE, this death will still take place even if that DEATH NOTE or the part of the note in which it has been written is destroyed, for example, burned into ashes, before the stated time of death.
If the victim's name has been written and then the DEATH NOTE is destroyed in the middle of writing the cause of death, the victim will be killed by heart attack in 40 seconds after writing the name.
If the victim's name and cause of death have been written and the middle of writing the situation of death, then the victim will be killed within 6 minutes and 40 seconds via the stated cause of death if the cause is possible within that period of time, but otherwise, the victim will die by heart attack.

How to Use: LXIII
No matter what medical or scientific method may be employed, it is impossible for humans to distinguish whether or not the human has the eye of power of a god of death. Even gods of death cannot distinguish this fact, except for the very god of death that traded his/her eye power with that human.

How to Use: LXIV
The following situations are the cases where a god of death has brought the DEATH NOTE into the human world is allowed to return to the world of gods of death.

When the god of death has seen the end of the first owner of the DEATH NOTE brought into the human world and has written that human's name on his/her own DEATH NOTE.
When the DEATH NOTE which has been brought in is destroyed, like burned, and cannot be used by humans anymore.
If nobody claims the ownership of the DEATH NOTE it is unnecessary to haunt anyone.
If, for any reason, the god of death possessing the DEATH NOTE has been replaced by another god of death.
When the god of death loses track of the DEATH NOTE which he/she possesses, cannot identify which human is owning the DEATH NOTE, or cannot locate where the owner is, and therefore needs to find such information through the hole in the world of gods of death.
Even in the situations 2, 3 and 4 above, gods of death are obliged to confirm the death of the first owner and write down that human's name in his/her DEATH NOTE even when he/she is in the world of gods of death.

How to Use: LXV
In the world of gods of death there are a few copies of what humans may call user handbook for using the DEATH NOTE in the human world. However, the guidebook is not allowed to be delivered to humans.
It is perfectly okay for gods of death to read the guidebook for him/herself and teach humans about its contents, no matter what the content may be.

How to Use: LXVI
Some limited number of DEATH NOTEs have white or red front covers, but they would make no difference in their effects, as compared with the black cover DEATH NOTEs

Volume 12
All humans, without exception, eventually die.
After they die, the place they go is MU (nothingness).
Once dead, they can never come back to life.

A Shinigami can be noted as a part of a person's noted death and will not die; Light used Ryuk in this way to scare a crook onto a path of a passing car by noting that the individual "Saw a phantom".
In the prelude of Death Note by Takeshi Obata, it was revealed that as long as the body of the deceased are still intact, by erasing the deceased person's name from the Death Note the person would come back to life. This can only done by a special eraser given by the gods of death. It may seem that this is not possible because of the rules in volume 12, which state that once dead, a human cannot be resurrected, but that only applies to humans whose lifespan has run out.




  《死亡笔记》的男一号——夜神月是一个生活美满的高中生。家境殷实,学习优秀,时不时的还会收到一些调剂生活的情书。从小就顺风顺水缺乏挫折的他,如果没有拣到那本笔记本的话,大概一直会保持精明能干的形象成长为一名标准的社会精英。但这有可能的一切,却都在夜神月拾起那本黑色封皮的Death Note时开始,被彻底的改变了。



  不料好事多磨,就在前些日子里,死亡笔记的TV动画又起风云。9月6日,它的作者小畑健因为携带军刀惨遭拘留,就在众人正在唏嘘之时,在《死亡笔记》电影版中担任了摄影监督工作的高濑比吕志, 也于9月7日死于脑梗塞。还没等目瞪口呆的大家反应过来,为死神琉克配音的中村狮童又紧跟以上所提的两人的脚步,在酒后驾车闯了红灯,险些酿出了车祸,事后他也遭到了起诉。接二连三的黑色事件,不断的在这些参与动画和电影制作的人们身上发生,似乎在冥冥之中真的伸出了一只手,在一本黑色封皮的笔记本上书写着什么。这让死亡笔记的动画和电影还未登场,就被蒙上了一层浓厚的黑色阴影。



由于电影将由曰本TV与华纳兄弟曰本公司合力完成,因此在《死亡笔记》的国际化进程中,紧密的国际合作和宣传在华纳的帮助下也更加便利,之前已经确认了通过华纳的号召力,此次的主题歌不再启用曰本歌手演唱,而是将由有着“世界最疯狂的摇滚乐队”称号的美国摇滚乐队——“呛辣红椒乐队(RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS)”担任这部跨国合作电影的主题歌。如今官方也公开了1分30秒的PV.
  演员左起:藤原龙也(夜神月)、松山ケンイチ(L)、濑户朝香(南空直美)、户田惠梨香(弥海砂)、细川茂树(Raye Penber)、香椎由宇(秋野诗织)、藤村俊二(ワタリ)、鹿贺丈史(夜神总一郎)。






<死亡笔记 杀手游戏》

在游戏中玩家将要扮演的是原作中的两位人气主角Kira或者L,参加这场找出对方真名的杀戮“游戏”。游戏的目的就是要在搜查过程中,通过言语、推理等手段取得搜查队员们的信任,探究对手的心理以及下一步可能的做法,最终将“对手:陷于两难的境地,将其“抹杀”,当然与原作不同的是,结局并不会局限于“Kira=月”、“L=龙崎”。 游戏的操作方式主要是以对话的形式进行,继而进行针对“Kira”与“L”问题的推理,点击NDS下方屏幕上的角色头像就可以与其对话,而发言之后的效果也会在下屏上显示出来,可以根据效果选择是进一步拉拢信任自己的人还是对产生疑惑的人进行解释。 名称 死亡笔记 杀手游戏 原名 DEATHNOTE キラゲ—ム 机种 NDS 厂商 KONAMI 类型 AVG 价格 5229日元发售日 2007年2月15日

死亡笔记的漫画下载网址(讯雷滴) http://www.xbxg.com/Html/dm/18312083.html
死亡笔记的真人版电影的下载网址(讯雷滴) http://movie.xunlei.com/movies/36/35827.html

[ 本帖最后由 浅浅浅蓝 于 2007-7-9 11:31 PM 编辑 ]


参与人数 1修行 +30 收起 理由
十六夜月 + 30


Lightblue.Lover 发表于 2007-7-9 23:49:12 | 显示全部楼层

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好尐寧m嘉々 发表于 2007-7-10 00:00:58 | 显示全部楼层
我也觉得被和谐的东西,很危险= =

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Comic- 发表于 2007-7-10 10:01:13 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 浅浅浅蓝 发表于 2007-7-10 20:23:42 | 显示全部楼层

回复 #4 Comic- 的帖子

=  = 怎么.要自己打出来才可以?

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修亚 发表于 2007-7-11 22:00:15 | 显示全部楼层
非原创  加精不能

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