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That Place In Your Heart - Ronan Hardiman

小几几 发表于 2008-2-23 14:23:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


01 Anthem
02 That Place in Your Heart
03 Run Away
04 Ready for Life
05 Salve
06 Never
07 Worlds Apart
08 Ancient Lands
09 Where Are You Now
10 Heaven (Waiting There for Me)

提起爱尔兰踢踏舞蹈之瑰宝"大河之舞",恐怕无人不知;但是,提起Ronan ardiman,恐怕有些人就不一定知道了。其实, Ronan Hardiman,是爱尔兰首席配乐大师,擅长融合传统爱尔兰音乐与现代音乐的配乐大师,因"舞王"配乐大获好评。他生於都柏林,在担任了12年的银行出纳员之後却意外的转换跑道变成一位将爱尔兰传统音乐结合现代音乐的大师级音乐家。
   魅力永恒的爱尔兰舞剧,在Ronan Hardiman的配乐下显得越发光彩四射。爱尔兰三大舞剧,“大河”、“火焰”、“命运”,以及它们的衍生剧,在凯尔特迷的眼里是无法替代的经典。曾经它们是那么的神秘,现在这一经典舞剧到了中国,让更多的人领略了它无法抵挡的魅力。
Ronan Hardiman在挖掘创作极富民族色彩的音乐同时,也潜心关注于现代音乐与传统音乐的融合。他擅长将清逸甜美的女声作为一件乐器使用,同时大量加入电子音效。音乐本身没有完全脱离博大的爱尔兰传统音乐的土壤,却在编曲上下了很多工夫。这点类似于与他风格相近的Mike Oldfield,yanni等人。在他的配乐中,大量运用爱尔兰传统的传说,比如居尔特精灵、女神、邪恶的魔王,再配合舞蹈进行节奏,精心设计了许多时而空灵脱俗、时而气势万千的音乐,更为爱尔兰的舞剧烘托不凡的气势。

That Place In Your Heart - Ronan Hardiman
[wmv] Hardiman(That Place In Your Heart).mp3[/wmv]

That Place In Your Heart-Ronan Hardiman歌词

walk with me
break some bread here with me
Why can’t you live with me?
Who are you?
what did i do to you?
Wish i knew
Why can’t i live with you?
We are all born the same
Then we seperate
Then the world falls apart
and blame turns to hate
we must not contemplate
how far apart we are
there is always a way
to that place in your heart.
Hated one
Just put down your gun
done is done
why can’t we live as one?
feel no shame
the air we breath is the same
heal the pain
why do we live in vain?
We are all born the same
Then we seperate
Then the world falls apart
and blame turns to hate
we must not contemplate
how far apart we are
there is always a way
to that place in your heart
no war!!!!!

[ 本帖最后由 小几几 于 2008-2-23 02:30 PM 编辑 ]
3299390 发表于 2008-2-23 14:37:06 | 显示全部楼层

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